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public int[] getImageDimensions


Load a particular an image by providing a the dataset ID


public void loadImageByDataset(long datasetID)


Load an image by providing the local file path


public void loadImageByLocalPath(String localPath)



Load an image by providing the IRODS file path


public void loadImageByIrodsPath(String irodsPath)


Draw a polygon on the canvas without any database interaction.


public void drawPolygon(double[][] polygon, int width, int color);


Draw a single point on the canvas without any database interaction.


public void drawPoint(double[] point,int radius, int color);


Draw a line on the canvas without any database interaction


public void drawLine(double x1, double y1, double x2, double y2, int width, int color);


Get all annotations at a particular slice


public Annotation[] getAnnotationBySlice(int z);


Submit a new annotation


public Annotation submitAnnotation(double[][] trace, int width, int color, String userName, String objectName, String ontoURI, String description)


Get the MenuBar object


public MenuBar getMenuBar();


Popup a customized panel on the canvas


public void popupPanel( panel);