Public services
1. The easiest way to retrieve a JSON formatted list of all public images ids:
that q parameter is just url encoded: ((cil.status:public) && (CIL))
This search query asks for all public images containing the text CIL. Since CIL is the prefix to our image id it will catch everything.
2. To retrieve a JSON formatted block of detailed image data for a particular image (in this case 6227) which includes the xml formatted annotation data:
You can use a comma separated list for the ids parameter to retrieve the data for more than one image at a time….but please batch your requests in groups of < 50 so as to be polite to the web service.
The returned JSON fields are:
group_name -- the name (if so associated) of the group this image might be part of
id -- the image id
is_video -- is this image a still image or a video/animation
relative_file_path -- some info needed for raw image data retrieval
file_size -- size of the raw data for the image
name -- file name of the original image file
recommended -- if the annotators believe this image is of eye catching quality
group_featured_image_id -- if this image is a member of a group of images and that group of images has an annotator defined representative ‘featured image’, this field is the id of that representative featured image.
xml -- the annotation xml data generated by the Annotation Module...contains all ontology ids, image_description, attributions, dimensions etc This xml is unfortunately not in pretty print format.
3. To retrieve images:
http://<host>/images/download_jpeg/24788.jpg to retrieve the metata
Another alternative method to return the XML content:
In addition, our image URL is associated with the image ID. For example, if the image ID is 24788, then the